2022 UCSF Library Artist in Residence, Jacoub Reyes presents "Tradition, Craft, and Technology: Making Woodblock Prints with New Media."
Building off Jacoub Reyes’ research of the UCSF Archives and Special Collections, this event showcases the process and materials used to create woodblock prints in traditional and non-traditional ways. Jacoub will guide participants through various technologies employed to create his images and woodcuts while collaborating with the Makers Lab at UCSF. He will also show the trials and errors experienced to get to a final product. After the presentation, there will be a question-and-answer segment to encourage open dialogue and conversation.
This event was held on June 28, 2023, and was presented by Jacoub Reyes, UCSF Library's current Artist in Residence. To learn more about the Artist in Residence program visit the
UCSF Library website.